New Hunter


Pit Crew
Nov 30, 2011
I've read over the shoulder of CTDYoungGun for almost a year now. It seems there is an influx of idiots who come to your site and its amusing to watch them be mouthed. So without further adieu, I'm hunting out the tards on the site and will be jumping in on the "I'm a flaming doushe" threads. Happy Hunting :Cheer:
Careful or you could end with the same fate as said idiots
I've read over the shoulder of CTDYoungGun for almost a year now. It seems there is an influx of idiots who come to your site and its amusing to watch them be mouthed. So without further adieu, I'm hunting out the tards on the site and will be jumping in on the "I'm a flaming doushe" threads. Happy Hunting :Cheer:

You chose this for your first post? I think you might have put the cross hairs on yourself.

tapatalking from droidx
I'm quite certain there are enough vetrans around here that can defend themselves. :hehe:

Thank you, come again.

Before you can hunt tards you must prove yourself you can't just be a self proclaimed tard hunter, I admire the gung hoe attitude but that will not get you far here. Best get your fire suite on because yo a$$ is about to get burned.
Before you can hunt tards you must prove yourself you can't just be a self proclaimed tard hunter, I admire the gung hoe attitude but that will not get you far here. Best get your fire suite on because yo a$$ is about to get burned.

It just got real in here!
I love the enthusiasm! Looks like we're going to be able to get them good with this team. Put me in coach, I'm ready!
uh huh........ dont believe everything in your sig.


Threats? How was this provoked? What the.... ? :hehe:

Dude I missed you. Okay? What's wrong with that? :rules:

I missed Jason too.
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