New (ish) member

Financial Mistake

New member
Apr 27, 2017
My name is Justin Lindeman, some of you may know me in person, some of you may know me from Facebook. Long time lurker, on an old account, but since the level of yeeyee on Facebook has long since grown to toxic levels, I abandoned the phuckery and am coming back to the forum, where the idiocy is slightly less pronounced.

Anyways, I own a 99 2500 SCLB, that I did a p24v swap back in 2016, spanning over about 5 months, finished in October, and haven't had any issues with it, so I guess I did a pretty good job with it. Not without help of course, with a lot of it coming from Jacob Bayes in terms of information, and Nick Roberson helping in the shop.

I guess I'll start a "build" tread in the dodge section so those whom are still interested in 20 year old turds with outdated fuel systems can follow along.



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I think that the creative user name definitely makes up for that Barney purple on the engine. :hehe:

joking.....Welcome. That username describes probably half of the members here. LOL
I'm stepping in for Cliff here...

Whale Cum!
Finacial. Sounds like some kind of surgery.

Good catch, and all along I thought UPS guys just drove around and lost boxes. LOL
Finacial. Sounds like some kind of surgery.

Good catch, and all along I thought UPS guys just drove around and lost boxes. LOL

I completely missed the typo....which is surprising. And that ^^^^ is some funny schidt. :hehe:
By the time I realized the typo, it was too late. Logging in is a PAIN, as you can imagine, but I guess it's something that I'll have to live with.

What can I say, purple is my thing, lol.

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By the time I realized the typo, it was too late. Logging in is a PAIN, as you can imagine, but I guess it's something that I'll have to live with.

I'm sure someone with a green username can fix your typo for you. PM TravisG or someone.

Nick, if I didn't like you so much, I'd hate you.

Please don't make him yell at you.....I'll hear it all the way over here in Stilly.
I'll have to get my post count up before I can pm, unless the rules have changed.

I'll get there, just don't wanna post random stuff just to get my count up, nobody likes that guy.

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Not really. I usually open my mouth and piss people off on accident...but I try really hard to be a quality citizen of the interwebz. LOL
Didn't mean that as a personal attack towards anyone. More of an "oops, I'm dumb, poking fun at my expense is to expected". No big deal.

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