New Kid From NY


New member
Nov 14, 2013
Hey guys I'm Paul I'm from Upstate NY, Saratoga area. I've been into diesel trucks since I can remember grew up around my grandfathers sawmill back in its heyday when they were running 9 Kenworths around the clock and kinda got me started with it. I fell in love with diesel trucks when my uncle bought a 92 W250 and I was always "helping" him build it up. My dads buddy bought a red 6 Spd sport in 03 and the first time I saw the truck I knew I wanted to own in one day. 10 Years and 36k miles and an Air National Guard signing bonus later I picked it up from him for $19,500 and started souping it up. Started pretty innocent with a cold air intake and exhaust, about 2 days after that the Smarty was on its way. Then came new wheels, tires and a leveling kit (waste of money). Just installed a FASS titanium 150 and 50hp injectors. So yea I think I've caught the fever. Looking forward to swapping info with you guys (or mostly obtaining it from the big guys in the game). Paul
Yea, unfortunately alot of them are young kids that just wanna make smoke and noise, however there are a couple competitive trucks around in the area. Enjoy and welcome to the form, rememeber to research before posting something or you will get picked on.