New main Bolts...Where to get them?


Can't make up my mind
Apr 7, 2008
I am thinking I am just going to go with new bolts for the mains, is Cummins the only place to get them for a CR motor? I am not going to spend 1K for a girdle and if I put studs in the mains I will have to machine the stock stiffener plate. Any Ideas? Cummins wants $12.50 each for the bolts which puts them up there in the same price range as the arp studs.
I got a set of 24v bolts......

Why do you need to machine the stiffener? I got the same one in my 24v and it fit just fine around the studs.
I thought that the studs were longer and would hit the plate. The Stud and nut is taller than the head of a bolt and it looks like it will hit. Maybe I am wrong.
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you can releave the stock plate , and the studs will work, if you change the fastners on the mains you will need to dust the mains in a line hone .
Why do the mains need to be honed with studs, and not with bolts?
Why do the mains need to be honed with studs, and not with bolts?

It is not necessarily needed but for the anal individual then it is needed. I am running studs, did not do the hone and everything is fine and will be fine. IMHO, if the caps were splayed then I would have honed them.
