New Moderator- Amish Elegance

Cant wait till indy I got AE a gift for making it to the mod team for his buggy:hehe:


  • amish.jpg
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Bring 2 of those to Indy and I'll hang them on my ears all weekend. LOL
oh no there goes the minority risen to the top !!! good luck with the hangovers. hope you have a big buffet at the meetings. hehe
uhh ohh, there goes the neighborhood. LOL
Congrats AE!
Amish Elegance said:
I'll sign your baby.

Good GOD man... I'm a pediatric nurse. You know you can't just run around all willy nilly signing children. You know that, right? There's all kinds of "Ethyl Methyl" Bad stuff in those sharpie markers. The poor little turdlet could get cancer or something. Or at minimum a huge dose of stupidity. Then what? We've got wild half Amish, three legged, Sharpie stink Diesel wannabee drivers. What is this world coming to. Frig.
Dalpilot said:
He doesn't use pens, he's Amish! LOL

Well what the heck do they do, spit and put a thumb print on the kid, and that's considered a John Henry? yikes!