New performance shop

With this forum thinking every little thing is killing the industry, one would think the industry would be gone.
I have been in the diesel industry longer than most people. Its not all rainbows and unicorns. Its tough work. Be honest and dont over step your boundaries. Always look every step thru. Always remember and go by the 3 c's of business. Condition, cause, correction. If you cant follow those steps and be honest then its not for you. Just a small tidbit of info to pound over.
Know when to be a performance shop, and when to be a repair shop.
If the vehicle isn't up to par, fix the foundation first.
Far to many people want to throw mods at a power problem rather than addressing the symptoms in front of them.
Just now saw ponci's reply and it's spot on.
Fly by night "shops" is what is killing the sales in this industry. Kids not knowing what they are doing selling parts for $10 over cost to say they are a shop. Surely don't need any more that's for sure

The liability is a bit rough to, when building engines for a living something will eventually happen/ go wrong. Have to keep in mind that you will have to own up to that cost

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I run a small repair shop... havent drawn a decent paycheck in 5 years.
Overhead is a mutha.
competition is fierce.
Employees dont care.

It is nice to say "I have my own shop"
it is nice to have the ability to set my own hours.. but to often you will have to choose work.
a supportive spouse is a must. Anything less and you have to choose one.
Friends and family need some basic ground rules as appearantly reason goes out the effing window.

Really its not all gloom and doom.. but there are a ton of setbacks.
Do it as a side business until you can't afford not to.

This is what i'm doing. Horrified to jump in with both feet so I just do it on the side. Keeps me busy and actually make a fair amount of money. Just have to be honest and upfront with people. All of my customers keep coming back and send more my way. Hopefully one day it could turn into a full time gig but I actually like it like this for now! :Cheer: