New super B turbo with down pipe!


New member
May 29, 2012
I have nothing to contribute to this site so far.
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If you're threads keep disappearing you would think you would figure it out.


Don't just join up here to sell you're stuff. Make a contribution to "our" site, and by contribution, I don't mean posting things like "nice truck" or "lol" etc.

I will move everything you post on here for sale until I think you deserve to be here.
64mm comp?
Edit: never mind not interested your obviously not liked here.

Posted via tapatalk from the International Space Station
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It's not that I don't like him. Hell I don't even know him. It's just he can't use this as his personal craigslist.

If you're interested in his crap by all means contact him, but buyer beware.
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Hold the phone Jack. Now you say you own a shop and you are posting new things for sale on here? No freaking way. We got guys that pay their hard earned money to be a sponsor on here. You want to sell stuff, you get a hold of Wideopen or Timbeaux on here. Until then, don't post another thing for sale.
haha im just to sell to a move knowledgable crowd than cummins forum and craigslist. My bad for not knowing how ya'll operate everything
You mean if I own a shop I just can't post shop stuff for sale here for free? Who would have come up with such a crazy idea!
A Super B Turbo is too small for most people on here. LOL
I made 414/919 with my 57mm.

Posted via tapatalk from the International Space Station