New super B turbo with down pipe!

Mine did 489whp with no tq reading on my stock turbo. :lolly:

My stock turbo lived a short life, it never got a chance. Not my fault haha

Posted via tapatalk from the International Space Station
thats darn good man ^^^^ i need more air i run out at 2100 rpm working on getting a 66 off Comp'd
If you're threads keep disappearing you would think you would figure it out.


Don't just join up here to sell you're stuff. Make a contribution to "our" site, and by contribution, I don't mean posting things like "nice truck" or "lol" etc.

I will move everything you post on here for sale until I think you deserve to be here.

Ummm isn't there like a million page thread in the Intro forum, that consists of about 2 pages of an introduction, and then goes into a totally worthless thread? How many helpful posts does that include?
Dont worry about that thread

Posted via tapatalk if you know what i mean
Ummm isn't there like a million page thread in the Intro forum, that consists of about 2 pages of an introduction, and then goes into a totally worthless thread? How many helpful posts does that include?

Did he just step on Ford Diesel Girl's toes? I feel like he won't last very long around here.

Ummm isn't there like a million page thread in the Intro forum, that consists of about 2 pages of an introduction, and then goes into a totally worthless thread? How many helpful posts does that include?

I don't have the time or the patience today to deal with you, but I promise I will get back to you on this subject in the very near future.
just wondering?

I don't have the time or the patience today to deal with you, but I promise I will get back to you on this subject in the very near future.

travis just wondering how often do you spend on this site? i know you gotta keep all this inline but do you have like sections that you cover or like the whole site? its gotta be time consuming?
travis just wondering how often do you spend on this site? i know you gotta keep all this inline but do you have like sections that you cover or like the whole site? its gotta be time consuming?

I spend just enough time to keep my sanity in my real job Sir. Today the only thing doing that is my Family......on here and at my home.
Did he just step on Ford Diesel Girl's toes? I feel like he won't last very long around here.

I must have missed that rule, but yea I'll probably be banned for not being the typical swinging richard, beacuse I could care less about childish comments or jokes.

One in particular that has me somewhat confused is the "full Wade" one.
I see people posting that, and while I'm am certain that some of these people know about Wade and his chity dealings, but some do not, yet they post away.

Some people here are accused of being here only to stir chit, or waste space, or whatever you wanna call it, but mean while if you are apart of the in crowd, you're set. This forum is full of useful info, and has many people that answer tons of questions. Although, some have 1000's of posts, and I bet there isn't a dozen truly useful/helpful comments(don't want to short change them on their undying efforts to help spell check the forum:clap:). Maybe I'm just blowing smoke, but at least it is a 30ft. plume going down the race track, be it dirt, clay, mud, asphault, or concrete
You have picked a very bad time to try and stir up the pot, dear. This family just lost one of their best members. One of MY best friends. I'll ask you to please be respectful of all of us and refrain from any negative posts; take your jabs at me as you wish but let this family have our time to heal and grieve together. He was a damn good man and would not be happy with such negativity. Please take this into consideration before you post again. Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone
Ummm isn't there like a million page thread in the Intro forum, that consists of about 2 pages of an introduction, and then goes into a totally worthless thread? How many helpful posts does that include?

Probably zero to be honest with you. Unless you count people building friendships and helping out in times of need, whether it be a stopped up toilet or a funny tick coming from the #3 hole of their truck.

I must have missed that rule, but yea I'll probably be banned for not being the typical swinging richard, beacuse I could care less about childish comments or jokes.

One in particular that has me somewhat confused is the "full Wade" one.
I see people posting that, and while I'm am certain that some of these people know about Wade and his chity dealings, but some do not, yet they post away.

Some people here are accused of being here only to stir chit, or waste space, or whatever you wanna call it, but mean while if you are apart of the in crowd, you're set. This forum is full of useful info, and has many people that answer tons of questions. Although, some have 1000's of posts, and I bet there isn't a dozen truly useful/helpful comments(don't want to short change them on their undying efforts to help spell check the forum:clap:). Maybe I'm just blowing smoke, but at least it is a 30ft. plume going down the race track, be it dirt, clay, mud, asphault, or concrete

I'm not gonna debate the "whether or not Wade is cool or not" thing with you. As for the "full Wade" thing, it's a joke. I hope Wade can even laugh at it. I apologize for jumping down your throat. You caught me on one of the worst days of my life. As for the "in" crowd and "spell check" comment, that's what we do. But, I can guarantee you this, if there was someone in need we would do about anything to help them out in their time of need.
It's okay, I have big shoulders, and I'm completely understanding of everyone being on the edge, because losing a friend, relative, or even a dog hurts bad.
I guess I was taken a little bit off guard by the negativity towards the O.P. of this thread and others of his stuff for sale, because I don't know the guy, but he could be a diesel shop owner, operator, janiter, etc. and just needs a little guidence on how to become a vender on here and maybe sell some of his stuff