New to compd

You want to stick what up our asses?:homo:

You all's "cocked-out mirrors" argument. *bdh*

Don't be hatin'....
haha ok gotcha, well I just have em out because I tow a boat a lot and don't ever bother flippin em down, didn't know it was so looked down on, not gonna change em either way though
haha ok gotcha, well I just have em out because I tow a boat a lot and don't ever bother flippin em down, didn't know it was so looked down on, not gonna change em either way though
Don't worry, if you did flip em down we'd just find something else to harass you for:D

Fish a lot I guess? Fresh or saltwater?
Lmao, I'd LOVE to know who makes these rules? Damn, let the boy rock his goofy ass mirrors. :hehe:
Lmao, I'd LOVE to know who makes these rules? Damn, let the boy rock his goofy ass mirrors. :hehe:

"We" do, the cool kids club.

We would let you in, but the majority barely came in in favor of not letting people with "pwr" in their SN join, sorry!LOL
Welcome to CompD.

I can't believe Jory wants something up his ass! Maybe Dena (Dboy11) can help ya out!
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Haha yes he got me!

And so what if my truck smokes when its in pulling mode, I run the smallest tune on the street as possible to cut back on it.
SRW truck with the mirrors flipped out...

Okay, now what about Fords and GM's with power extendable tow mirrors? Extended out= flatbilly? Its different than flipped out like Dodge tow mirrors:D.

Lmao, I'd LOVE to know who makes these rules? Damn, let the boy rock his goofy ass mirrors. :hehe:

...Nick does...havent you seen his eight bajillion post count:rules:.


"We" do, the cool kids club.
If I do your homework can I sit at the lunch table with you, plezz plezz:bow:. :D.

I like this new guy, he handles the CompD chit storm (although this one was light) well.

sig is fixed. the green wasn't as hard on cf

seriously.......I didn't ask did I? by the way your name is rollincoal there buz so don't start with the smoke thing when your name basically says "I like smoke"

anyways........... anybody know how I can get a picture to upload for an avatar?

Hit up a mod and they will help you. There was a website everyone used but I can't remember what it was. Welcome to CompD!

Saltwater is where it's at!

...Nick does...havent you seen his eight bajillion post count:rules:.

You act like it's my fault I have little to no life, the wife goes to bed early, and I like to run my mouth!LOL
If I do your homework can I sit at the lunch table with you, plezz plezz:bow:. :D.
I would say yes, but you made me mad with your previous comment. So no!LOLLOL
I like this new guy, he handles the CompD chit storm (although this one was light) well.

Exactly. If they survive a little hazing in the intro thread, they know what to expect.
Never heard of it... Google to the rescue...

Nah, I'm good!LOL We got a great system worked out:D

Keep trying, you can sit with us someday!LOL