New to this so how do i make my diesel smoke?

Sorry, didn't mean to sound like an Ass, just running on an hour of sleep. was trying to be sarcatic but my thoughts arn't running to good right now.
i seen this title and thought this guy is in for it. i hope he is ready for the suff to hit the fan wow.
Just kidding. I figured id get everyones attention with that all too fammiliar stupid question so i could introduce my Im Bill and im sure ill be bothering yall with questions that have probly been asked a 100 times. ill thank yall in advance.

I was ready to see some newbie get pounced on like an antilope running from a cheeta. :evil
just a little advice use somewhat proper grammer. or else you will get your but raped for it. i know from expierence haha.
haha i was thinking some kinda custom tunes with like a 25 position chip with settings up to 1000