New Year Plans

Wyatt Earp

Owner / Diesel Geek
Jul 18, 2006
Starting in the New Year we are going to start to build custom front bumpers for the diesel trucks. First thoughts were for Dodge but we can do others.

They will be made from 3/16 plate - will be big and heavy and fully customized from a list of user purchased options. Right now, you can have it any colour you want as long as it is black. (kidding). We will not be chroming them at this stage.

Our primary focus will be the local market in BC, Canada since all the cool bumpers come from the USA and they are very difficult to get across the boarder. That said shipping of anything this size will always be a problem so buying it in person would be best.

We are also now carrying Oasis Diff Covers and some of their wheels. Considering getting into Second Skin Coatings as well.

Drop us an email if you are interested in getting involved in this project at the ground level. We will make it worth your while.:Cheer: