NFUO official mph record set

Mr. Nfuo official it has been brought to my attention that this craig vouge and his troll investigation team has been trying to prove this record is not a record. Seems they have been view the run video frame by frame to try to see this alledged nitrous bottle flying by my truck and out running me to trip the beam and any other infraction sign not working rite or maybe the earth tilted and made me run faster than I am capable. Anyway they have been in contact with the track and nadm officials gather info from there investigation. WTF are you going to do about upholding my record maybe we should put it to a vote. You just can't do anything any more without being screwtnized for it by this craig vogue dude.

Mr. Morrison,

As I spoke with you yesterday in our interview, I take my job very seriously and I have looked at all the data. I have viewed all of the footage and have not seen anything flying across the track at the given time you were on it.

Why do you think I am the NFUO official record decider? If we are going to have any type of unity in the diesel industry we have to stand together and acknowledge accomplshments when they happen. Even though it may hurt this Craig Vogue's feelings that he was not the first one to recieve this coveted award, maybe he should try harder and quit talking about what is going to do. What is his background anyway? Does he even have any racing background? When he sets a legitimate record we will all acknowledge him at that time.

Darren as I told you yesterday......Please enjoy your momment and don't worry about your record, it will always stand.

NFUO official record decider
I understand that Darren saved a litter of puppies from a burning house today..... What a guy (definitely better than Dennis Perry *booooo*)

I vote Darren as NFUO Man Of The Year!
with a thread like this, how could he not be....

I second that motion :clap:
Has anyone heard from this Craig Vouge fella? Has Mr. Vouge gotten out of the diesel racing motorsport all together? I think we need to all take a minute to reflect on the memory of Mr. Vouge. It appears that his voice has been silenced. If he would only let us know of his true feelings I am confident that this whole situation could be rectified. It appears to be a sad tragedy indeed.

NFUO official record decider
Last I heard, Mr. Vouge was scheduled for an appearance on The Surreal Life as Vanilla Ice's sidekick.
Come on, Vogue............
