NHRDA credibility issues before I decide

this reminded me to pay my membership dues..Randy, Chris, and the crew do a great job, and stand by what they say...I proud to be an NHRDA member..
Hello Sir , thanks for your concern and question.

First of all I am not one to hide behind screen names.

My name is Randy Cole owner and founder of the NHRDA. My phone number is 360-658-4353 if anyone would like to call with their concerns or questions, I am in the office Monday thru Friday 9am till 6pm.

To my knowledge Nathan Black is the only competitor that has not been paid from 2008. Last week I received confirmation that the sponsor had cut a check and mailed it out to Nathan.

As far as our reputation I will let our over 800 members nationwide speak for us and if we are doing things on the shady side I would think they would be the first to speak out.

If the NHRDA is doing things unethical or unhonest then I dont see how we can grow from 1 event 5 years ago to over 30 events in 20 states and 2 countries. While retaining some of the biggest names in the diesel community to renew there sponsorship year after year.

We like to promote diesel motorsports in a positive manner and don’t like to get into the mud slinging end of it. But yes I have noticed that another organization wants to go out of their way to throw us under the bus and make accusations to I guess make themselves look better. All I can say is that the leaders of this organzation were both asked to leave the NHRDA for the exact negative approach that they are conducting at this time.

I have always believed that if you are honest and tell truth that your actions will speak louder than words. So this will be the one and only time that I will air any dirty laundry about past key members in the NHRDA. I do encourage them to have a positive campaign and put on good honest events so the diesel community does not have to thru any more drama.

Thanks and have a great day

Randy Cole
President of the NHRDA
Phone# 360-658-4353

You and Chris are Stand up all of the way!! The NHRDA is a racers organization that understands where they came from. They go to great ends to take care of there racers 1st and themselves second.

They are the top in diesel drag racing!!!
As long as i play with diesels i will always be a member of the N.H.R.D.A
RANDY & CHRIS keep up the good work an :thankyou2: for coming too florida!!
I have a NHRDA sticker in my back window and display it proudly.

Randy and Chris, see you in Portland.:woohoo: