Nitrous to both sides of a fogger nozzle?


6.0 Money Pit
May 4, 2006
I am redoing my nitrous system, and am wondering if you can run two stages through a fogger nozzle? Meaning, one stage to the normal nitrous side, and run another stage to what would normally be a fuel side.

Just trying to save some work. I had called NX, but couldn't get a straight answer.

I'm sure it will "work", but will it flow enough? (I'd guess yes) With what these 6.0's have been know to eat, I'm sure I will be maxing out the solinoid flow capacity.

So, if I was running two .125 jets through the same nozzle, would that be too much of a hit at once from the same location, even if time staggered?


My plan now is 4 stages. The first being whatever the tires will hold....I"m guessing about a .072, then 3 more down the way, whatever she will eat:rockwoot:

Took the turd for a ride last night. First night I've been home with no rain. Found some leaks, but it felt good. HFS do those injectors dump fuel.:snoop:

I would say yes you could.You will not max out the nitrous input line with the jet size.Even if it was -4 line.I say try it.
I tried it, and it worked, but it still wasn't enough. I'd see if you can get some .157 dry nozzles (they're just a single inlet) from NX and let 'er rip.

Edit: it will be nice to see the truck out again!!
what style fogger nozzle are you using i would say it more depends on the outlet side i ran two stages #6 supply to the soilnoids and #4 to the nitrous fitting on each side both sides had a 120 jet. ran a 13.11 in the 1/4 removed the nozzle and used two fittings instead of one with the same jets truck ran a 12.70 take it for what its worth the truck is a 5 sp so there could be a difference in just the shifting but they were back to back runs and replaced both bottles but it did feel alot faster( i hate saying that) and picked up 4mph. truck didnt spin either time
Cut the the head off of it and drill it out and it will work.