NJ Guy


New member
Oct 17, 2010
MikMaze suggested I join this site, so here I am. Drive a 2004.5 Dodge 2500 Cummins with the usual bolt on stuff. I am a member on other sites so some of you may recognize my username. Anyway, hope to learn some stuff on here and not spend anymore money on the truck.LOL
welcome bud, just got done with a 40 mile test drive, truck wants to take off once it starts building boost it does not want to stop ! going to be a hard 500 breakin miles. kind of sitting here in disbelief that I now have a truck with a 64 over an S480 ! Thanks for the help.

big thanks to Chris, Angelo, and Tom for the help
No problem man, wish I could have been there a little longer but had to go to dinner with the g/f and her parents. Maybe I can add a little more help for the next install. I'll let you reveal that if you want.
haha Looks like Mike drug you over here too Tom...

Hope ya been well, wish I had the time this year to get you guys up to the house this year for a barbecue or something, but the time just hasn't been there. You better know that any time Mike comes up riding/camping you are welcome; no invite needed, just show up.
Thanks buddy, I do appreciate that. I have to get up there one of these weekends to hang out with you and the wife.
well it was a long busy weekend, but this is what we were up to.........
