No longer employed at Diesel Tech


Technical Editor DT Mag
Mar 18, 2009
Hey guys-just wanted to let everyone know. Due to the economic struggles, our publishing company has been forced to cut back expenses anyway they could. Unfortunately, that meant laying off some employees and my name was on the list.

As of this morning I am no longer employed at Diesel Tech Magazine. Not sure where I go from here or what I do next, but I will actively be pursuing any and all opportunities associated within our diesel community. This is an industry I believe in and would love to stay a part of.

Jacob White
Wow, so sorry to hear about that. I never like to hear about stuff like this. Good luck, and I really hope that you are able to find something soon! You will be missed.

Please keep in touch with all of us on here

This sucks Jacob, very sorry to hear of this misfortune to you and your fellow collegues....
Hate to hear it man.
I know a few other guys from other mags that have had to move on due to the same reasons as you.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
Hope they can keep you on as a contractor or freelancer in the mean time....
Sorry to hear about it, best of luck.

Michael Pliska
Sad to hear this. Hope another magazine picks you up or gives you a freelance job.
I'm sure you will land on your feet Jdub. Things always have a ways of working out. On to bigger and better things!!
Best of Luck Jacob. Are a talented guy and I am sure you will land on your feet.
Sorry for your loss I liked the Mag. Hopefully things will pickup for you and the entire U.S.