No/low boost issue?

700 sportsman

New member
Dec 20, 2011
Hey guys I'm having a strange issue where I'm building only a max of about 8psi where 35-40 is normal. I have a '90 non-IC with fuel pin, pump mods and 60mm upgrade to the turbo. I have an AirDog supplying good fuel pressure, I have check and triple checked the afc reference line, and the other intake gaskets and can't hear a noticeable leak. It is smoking like crazy and running a little warm due to the low boost. I'm running out of ideas, my last thought is an injector issue?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
How is the timing? My nuts holding the pump came loose after a HG install and I had some similar symptoms.

Check your intercooler boots and intercooler. My money would be on one of those being bad.
I just rebuilt the turbo as well thinking it may be the issue. And the reference line seems fine. The little pin that rides on the fuel pin functions like it should, however I think the o ring on it does have a slight leak. Because there is a tiny amount of fuel in the bottom of the housing. Is this enough to cause my issue? And it felt funny the other morning but i just thought it was cold and was fine until last night
Is it losing oil out the crankcase breather real bad? I fixed a truck that was pressurizing the crankcase from the turbo, was blowing the oil out and no power either.
Nope, I pulled the injectors today to make sure they are all good. Heading to the pump is about my next option
I know you said you rebuilt the turbo. But have you checked to see if it spins free lately? Between that and boost leaks that's all I would be looking at. Or drive pressure leaks. Have someone crack the go pedal while you look on the turbo side for leaks.