No more trolling

Looks like there are a lot of people that are leaving DTR....hmmm wonder why? :chug:
BgBlDodge said:
Of course not. The idiots on the other site might ruin my name over there but the blue head will always be synonymous with BigBlue and BigBlue ain't going anywhere.:rockwoot:

I got yall all beat. I got my user name removed, not banned, removed, because I was being accused of saying something on another site that jack still won't tell me, I was being held accountable for what others were saying about jack on other sites, for having my chapter shut down (which happened a month ago), and for apparently calling people idiots that posted the same threads over and over instead of searching for their answers (which is something I never said, I just said I was tired of reading threads on how to install gauges or are jammer 5's good injectors, etc.)

Anyways, sorry for the hijack. I'm glad to see ya over here bud. Good luck on the rollers if ya haven't already spun them.

I was wondering what happened to you, Tyler. I had to send Rowland a PM to get some details, but they were limited.

By the way, Hi Ph4tty!
4x4dually said:
Well I'm glad to see you all over here in the real world. The info over here is a lot better. There is less talk of "how to pull my 40 foot retirement RV" and more talk about how to build and tweek motors...which personally I'm a lot more interested in. And I've yet to be called a Jack:shake: over here...except from Scott...and bless his heart, he knows not what he does. :hehe:

Well Jory I couldn't resist since you left the door open........... you JACK:shake: !! LOL
I have been close to bein banned and rarly post on dtr anymore, where the hell have you been gotlift
Oh I've been around, just haven't been posting much....swamped at work so I've been hiding in the bushes with my laptop! ;-)
joefarmer said:
ROFL! Hi Mr Ph4tty! As someone else said- CompD is like DTR, but for grownups!


yeah since when do 12 year olds own trucks??
BgBlDodge said:
You telling me that iker came over here as well? LOL

if you think he is bad online, you should meet him in person.

he is still convinced his dads 98 24v is over 500hp because a guy they know writes custom ECM programs on his laptop :doh:
getblown5.9 said:
if you think he is bad online, you should meet him in person.

he is still convinced his dads 98 24v is over 500hp because a guy they know writes custom ECM programs on his laptop :doh:

:hehe: So you sayin' he hasn't outgrown a good old fashion spanking yet 'eh? So IKER42 is more like IKER14? :hehe:
but he is looking for a 2500 or 3500, srw or drw, 12 or 24v cummins...
he is still convinced his dads 98 24v is over 500hp because a guy they know writes custom ECM programs on his laptop

Acutally, we knew it was no where near 500hp, i've ridden in Wannadiesels truck and know its WAY more power then dads truck. This guy swares he put the truck on a dynojet and got 525hp outta it. He writes ECM programs for mustangs and thinks that gives him the ability to write them for diesels. And for current knowledge i now have a 2500 srw 12v. with proper tuning.

Mike, you prob should have just left this one buried...

But thanks for digging it up. It's hilarious from before I saw the light!