North Texas Dyno Day


Be Ridiculous Inc.
Jun 13, 2009
We have tentatively scheduled the North Texas Dyno Day for October 9th, 2010. I am open to suggestions for location, any feedback would be appreciated.
That's a long time away, most people will have to get closer to tell, I plan on being there.
Im thinking about bringing in a mobile dyno, or if yall want to go back to Speedtek, its all up to yall.
Talk about a long time away. Gonna be lots of trash talking in this thread. LOL
Damn I gotta get started working on my truck.... I'm gonna need my dually fixed by then to pull my trailer queen up there!!!!

Figures you'd be a chicken like a certain person and trailer your truck up there.
Nah you have to win something so I'll let you have the biggest looser award. I bet the dually makes more hp than your pos.
Ill be bringing 1 on a trailer as well lol but ill prolly end up with the lowest number well unless a certain black dodge makes it lol jk