Nozzle cutaway

Can someone explain SAC or SAC-less again and does it apply to these three nozzles?
which is the better one?? micro blind? which tip does DDP use?

This is a good point Brandon, and a few that have switched have had similiar results. Some see a big improvement, others see some improvement, and a few have said they noticed a little power loss. The Marine nozzle is a good base to use, it's main issue is the 155° pattern, if this can be tolerated, a standard VCO nozzle of the same hone size cannot compare. There are many benefits to the blind-hole nozzle, and a few drawbacks mostly dealing with hydrocarbon emissions. The Marine nozzle is micro-blind, however Bosch also has a mini-sac nozzle that looks externally identical, yet has the 145° pattern. The problem with both versions is there is not much material when the hone is increased much more than 0.014", the reason I am going a different route.

VCO is sac less, both blind-holes are sac variations.

Thank you weston. Didn't you mention that sac nozzles are a better performance nozzle, but produce higher emissions due to the chamber at the very tip?
So basically the conical tip design is the strongest, vco is the weakest, but the micro-blind would be the best for high performance nozzles. Im guessing a cylindrical blind hole/conical tip would be the smokiest then a conical blind/hole conical tip, then micro-blind hole, then vco the cleanest(less HC).
I don't know, but i think they would run hotter due to the blind hole chamber being larger. Im sure weston knows tho.
Big blind for performance, small blind for a compramise, and VCO is weaker if the hone size is too large. Chris is running a set of 5x0.018" micro's that haze less than the 5x0.018" VCO's did.