O2 injection


bombing addict.
Mar 31, 2008
Im sure this has been tried and thought about, but would there be any benifit to staight oxgyen injection. Would it just take too much of it to make a difference? or cause pre detenation problems.
just a thought.
Wouldn't it just melt the crap outta your pistons? Think of what pure O2 can do to steel with some heat... not too sure I'd want that in my engine.

You get to see what the inside of your engine looks like, and HUGE power for a minute.


You get to see what the inside of your engine looks like melted to crap, all of Comp D will screw with you for life about it, while giving you props for something when we all knew what would happen:D:D

Don't try it without VERY deep pockets, and good safety gear;)
A little...but it's also adding another fuel to the fire.

Never used it, won't use it...have a buddy that has it on his Isuzu powered motorhome...gained some mileage.

So, would a slight amount of oxygen work like propane? I was always curious.
Don't know...no diesel guy has ever been able to use enough restraint to only inject a "slight amount" of anything!!

That does seem to be a problem!! Especially on CompD!

LOL You got that right. A little bit more diesel..... a little bit more bottle. Oh look, it cleaned up. We can now add a little bit more fuel. It's just an upward slope (hp that this).
when thinking about 02 injection think of the explosion that comes when the space shuttle lifts off. not to good for metal and things in our motor.
I was thinking that there must be some sort of safe amount with a benifit. im sure that the first guys to play with nitrous melted some stuff down too.