O2 injection

when thinking about 02 injection think of the explosion that comes when the space shuttle lifts off. not to good for metal and things in our motor.

That is actually O^3 with hydrogen. Tad bit more explosive. Same idea applies though. I think nitrous ping is scary, i could only imagine.
Exactly, don't bother with O2. If you want to inject anything into your engine just use NO2. They are both oxidizers, and intensify combustion. Straight O2 would do bad things. Have you ever seen somebody smoke a cigarett with a nasal canula on? I have, no bueno...!
Nitrous doesn't actually react with anything and break apart into nitrogen and oxygen, does it? I believe that's a common misconception... It makes air denser by making it cold, putting a greater mass of oxygen into the cylinder, but it doesn't change the oxygen/ nitrogen ratio of the air in the engine.

Propane is a fuel, neither oxygen or nitrous is.

I would think that oxygen creates a blow-torch like effect. A high pressure oxygen should have an intercooling affect similar to nitrous as well.
Nitrous doesn't actually react with anything and break apart into nitrogen and oxygen, does it? I believe that's a common misconception... It makes air denser by making it cold, putting a greater mass of oxygen into the cylinder, but it doesn't change the oxygen/ nitrogen ratio of the air in the engine.

Propane is a fuel, neither oxygen or nitrous is.

I would think that oxygen creates a blow-torch like effect. A high pressure oxygen should have an intercooling affect similar to nitrous as well.

That's my thoughts on the subject too.:nos:
A chemical oxidizer in that it is a chemical that makes a greater mass of oxygen available in the cylinder by cooling down the intake air?

If it does break down at high temperatures as is usually explained, it would be 33% oxygen by volume whereas air is 20% oxygen by volume. I guess that'd be a pretty substantial benefit. But straight oxygen would be 100% oxygen by volume, and wouldn't take any energy to break down first, and boils at a colder temperature.
No, take an open flame, spray nitrous on it, the flame gets much bigger. Now take the same flame and spray oxygen you get even bigger flame. They both add extra O2, but nitrous is more stable. Neither oxygen nor nitrous is flamable, they are just an oxidizer that adds one critical element to the chemical reaction known as fire. Oxygen.
So at what point does nitrous break down into oxygen and nitrogen?

I guess I don't have any reason to believe it doesn't.
Well, When it becomes involved with the chemical reaction known as combustion.
So what plays a bigger part of the performance gain from nitrous, the intercooling effect or the added-oxygen effect?

Anybody ever seen the math for the actual percentage increase of oxygen for a given amount of air and a given jet size?
So what plays a bigger part of the performance gain from nitrous, the intercooling effect or the added-oxygen effect?

Anybody ever seen the math for the actual percentage increase of oxygen for a given amount of air and a given jet size?

Added oxygen.