October Texas Diesel Shootout

Did anyone else see what looks like "da white lightning" wrecked at HMP last night. said have popped a head gasket and and shot out a freeze plug. anyone have any info on this?
Spank you... I looked in some of the threads and didn't see it. Thanks for the shortcut
Yeah, Michael does a much better job at the videos than Miss Shaky Hands. By the way, I think we got a video of your girlfriends run too. I'll check when I get home later.
Scott- What RPM are you set to shift at? Seems like the bus shifts early or maybe the exhaust tone is throwing me off.
It was shifting real earlier the other night. Idk why. I don't know if I want to know why. Lol
Might be shifting below peak RPM'S. Talk to Mike about it. on LIL Red it made a big difference when he went through our tranny.
i meant to ask chris at relentless last time i was there. probably stop by this friday