Oil with zinc?


New member
Feb 22, 2014
Just wondering if there are engine oils out there that already have plenty of zinc in them, I just don't really want to buy additive if I can get oil with it already in it. I hear that Schaeffers has zinc but their website doesn't say it.
I use Champion Classic Blue Flame. As I recall that product has a lot of zinc.
Ok, after doing some research i have decided i like the Brad Penn oil. So heres my next question: Should i used their 30w break in oil and change it after a cam break in only, or just go ahead an run the 15w 40 for the break in and not worry about changing it after?
I've been running the Amsoil for many years. Good oil, plenty of zinc.
Delo 400 LE has 0.13% Zinc or 1300 PPM. Looks like 1400-1600 PPM is recommended range for an aftermarket cam with the higher end better the more aggressive the cam.
I use a bottle of zddplus with delo 400 left. I just sent a sample out so when I get the results back I'll post them up.