On Location Lighting


Gluten Free
Jul 2, 2006
What do you guys use? I just bought two interfit EXD400 lights. A friend has them and he has some impressive stuff with em.

Keep in mind, those aren't my images, just the kind of stuff these lights are capable.
I really need to learn how to use lighting to my advantage that i have recently picked up a Digital SLR but still learning
Those are all nice pics.. SLRs take some time to learn because they have the ability to change soo many more settings to change.. I really need to get one! ;)
For on location I use up to 6 nikon SB-800's with various diffusers, grids, gels ect. For my glamor and boudoir work I use four interfit Stellar XD 600's and normally a SB-800 as a hair light or for gels.