Overheating Manual Trans???

cummin up short

New member
May 28, 2009
My trans has overheated once on a long highway drive which resulted in catastrophic failure. Now Friday I was pulling our camper and when I got to the campgrounds I noticed oil all over my tailgate and bedsides and knew right away what it was. Are my 4.10's playing a part in this and what else can I do? Me and my dad are both fed up with this...
I was told to use the Mopar Manual Transmission Lubricant when I had it rebuilt so thats I put in. That Trans Cool was an option when it first went but I thought I would be fine...now it's an option again. The case is clean, just some oil on it now. Also while I'm thinking about it, at what temp does the oil overheat or boil?
I've never heard of a manual trans that overheated, that wasn't wounded or low on oil. What mods do you have? How heavy are you loaded? What gear do you tow in.

I learned the hard way not to haul heavy in 5th. I drug my crap over two passes grossing 23,000lbs. I made it home, but the trans wasn't happy.

Thats what really gets me. The first time I was empty cruising 65mph and the breather was plugged so it blew out the front seal. On Friday, I was pulling our camper (about 4,000lbs tops) in 5th up a slight grade. I just don't understand how things so normal are causing me problems. Nothing I've done is extreme. And my truck is stock as it sits except the clutch.
i haul some pretty heavy loads i run ams oil it is made for the nv4500 and i never had a issue just make sure your vent arent pluged