p pump gear


New member
Jan 2, 2008
I would have posted this in the ppump 24v section but I figured I get a little more response in here. My problem is the pump gear is stuck on the pump shaft. When I say stuck I mean STUCK!! Ive pulled pumps before, and helped time trucks so it's not unfamiliar to me. I'm pulling mine to send to Seth at DPE and the damn gear will not come off. I've pulled the threads off one bolt and nearly pulled my washers through the puller. Question is what would cause this thing to be stuck so tightly? Is there any tricks to gettting it off? I've tried heating the gear a little with no luck. The pump nut wasn't overly tight. I'll check this in the morning, I don't expect many responses by then, so I guess I'll pull the front end and remove it that way. It's just extra work and having done it before easily, just kinda gripes my a$$.
A little heat & smack the puller with a hammer.

x2. Load up the puller as tight as you feel comfortable going and give it a smack from the side. I've done a couple tight ones that needed a hammer taken to it.

If you do heat the gear, take the front cover off and heat the gear evenly, not just the metal. Good way of cracking cast gears.
I had this issue with my truck when i bumped the timing. I worked on the stupid thing for a few hours and finally whacked it a couple times and it shot off and clattered against the front cover.

I torqued mine down to 155# and that's what i think got it stuck on there.

Good luck!
I finally got it off. Had to pull the radiator to get a better position on it, that helped alot. I reheated it with a propane torch put the puller on and cranked the hell out of it with a breaker bar while whacking it with a three pound sledge. It still came off kinda lazy like, I looked the gear and pump shaft over nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I guess it was torqued too tight. I was told to torque it to 175 but I'm a little hesitant now. Thanks guys.