Part of my compressor wheel broke off


Cummins Cadillac
Nov 2, 2008
i was changing my oil filter today and i usually take the intake hose off so i got room to work and i noticed a part chip off in the center of the wheel i never noticed anything different during driving or anything is this ok to keep it going like this or should it be a big concern? srry if the image is a bit blurry

You need to load the pic to a can't link it right out of your photo album on your computer.
I think he may be referring to the area where they might have to remove some weight during balancing......
well forget the picture its a piece that broke off in the center behind the nut but none of the fins were affected. is it bad, what does that indicate about my turbo
yea...mine's got a little chunk out...part of the balancing process.
im not very knowledgeable about "balancing process" so it's normal?

Very tough to say it's normal without seeing it. But look closer. It should look machined and not broken. No rough edges. I'd say it's alright.
Posting a pic,

I joined up with, free & no credit card info and download my pictures there by their instructions.
After setting up there, you right click on your picture tag and left click "copy".

Now do your "reply to thread", "Start a new thread" or "quote" here, not quick reply.
Left click the picture icon on the toolbar, next to the little earth icon.
This will bring on the script prompt box. Right click on the line then left click "paste" then left click "OK".
Now your script line is set on the Reply to Thread page.
You'll notice the double 's at each end of the script, remove the first [IMG] and the last [IMG] in the script and your picture will be set right on your reply.
Works with vids too.
