People Need To Learn

I will only use paypal to pay for stuff. If it's being shipped from the states to me in Canada I will only buy it if it's sent US Post. I bought a turbo off a board member here last month great deal,the only problem was a mix up in shipping I wanted us post came UPS they charged the shipper $100 and when it showed up on my door step they wanted another $116 for brokerage and taxes,post office may take longer but in the long run it's cheaper and there is only a 50/50 chance of getting hit with the tax, No brokerage fee's. I have had good luck with buying stuff on line just the shipping end of things can suck.
I also live in Canada but have a shipping company hold things in the US till I get down to pick them up.

I do buy alot via the internet and only been screwed once..ok, twice. Why is it that we cannot or should not name these people whom we get duped by? Thus giving the next guy a bit of a heads up as to whom they are dealing with. BTW - the two guys whom I have paid not not received products are still on the board replying to threads!
I think this forum is a pretty safe forum to buy from, if the member has been around awhile, I just bought 2 things recently and got what i ordered in a decent amount of time, i did pay with a personal check if that makes a differecence. I have been ripped of on ebay with a money order once, and i havent used ebay since then.
ive been ripped off once. sold my bullydog 100's for 250 and stock cores. he sent me the 250, i sent him the injectors. i never recieved the stock cores, no returned pm's no answered phone calls. just disappeared. i needed those cores to get machined out, so i just bought a set of ddp 250's instead..i guess it turned out better hahah