

It's all about leverage
Mar 22, 2009
Maybe I'm retarded but I can't upload an avatar or any new pictures of my truck... it keeps saying they're all too big. Even when I shrink them to thumb nail size. What am I missing?
Send 'em to a mod, they'll probably hook you up. That's what I do.
Togtfo? Woah spelling. I took some good lookin pics of my Rosie girl and I wanna share them with the world! lol.

And yeah good idea. Maybe I'll send them to Phil. I couldn't figure out how to make an account on here. I had to give him my password and desired user name at a sled pull... I'm a disaster.
Cherry red??? WTF?? That's Garnet, my favorite color on this body. Damnit, makes me miss mine.. :bow:

thread derailed again LOL

the pic needs to be 180x180 in dimentions and the file cant be bigger than 7.8 KB.

photoshop is the best for this task.
Thats a horrible and evil and misleading title. Even "Damsel in distress" would have been better.
Togtfo? Woah spelling. I took some good lookin pics of my Rosie girl and I wanna share them with the world! lol.

And yeah good idea. Maybe I'll send them to Phil. I couldn't figure out how to make an account on here. I had to give him my password and desired user name at a sled pull... I'm a disaster.

TOGTFO, Scott spelled it correctly. It's an acronym, not a word...

If you needed help creating an account, sending someone the pics may be the best option.
The easiest way to do a pic larger than avatar material is using photobucket. For an avatar you can e-mail Phil or any of us odd color guys and we can hook you up. Just an FYI, you can use paint to shrink a pic for avatar use, just use pixel count rather than %.

Means this OP:

For the avatar pic this site worked (for me finallyLOL):

Dont bother with the avatar shrinker/create avatar feature it never works, but the picture resizer does (did for me at least).
The easiest way to do a pic larger than avatar material is using photobucket. For an avatar you can e-mail Phil or any of us odd color guys and we can hook you up. Just an FYI, you can use paint to shrink a pic for avatar use, just use pixel count rather than %.

I guess not all of us can have an avatar with bouncing boobs.....:frown:
I tried all that I'm doing something wrong. Photobucket blows, I'll have to give the pics of my Rosie girl to one of these guys in charge. I'm technologically retarded.
I've got it! :) making an album of my love right meow.