Piston rings not seating

Depends on your version of %100.
Pull a trailer through some mountain s or put something tall on to catch wind on flat ground.

Some engines take up to 50,000 miles to seat rings.
I didn't see it any where but im Curious what was used to lube the cylinders when you put the pistons in? I was always told never use WD-40 and other penetrating oils. Only use motor oil. The penetrating oils have a chemical in them that wont let the rings ever seat. I wipe the cylinders clean with Laquior thinner and the lube everything with a motor oil
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Really? That's a new one on me.

For warranty purposes ?

12-15k is what we usually see in our 15l

What does Cummins state for ISX engines?

At any rate most manufacturers would require oil consumed vs fuel consumption to quantify.

Stacked rings will eat oil sometimes
Really? That's a new one on me.
An old friend of mine BABIED his 1999 for 70,000 miles and whined about how it used oil and sucked fuel.
I knew this guy very well. He was gentler with the truck than with a lawn mower around his wife's petunias, even though he beat the crap out of his old Mopars all his life.

When he told me his story, I just looked at him and told him:
It's not your wife, you CAN abuse it and thrash it. Hook a trailer to it and WORK the damned thing! Take your 'Cuda to the track on the trailer with it a couple weekends, pull the trailer and car and climb some hills with it, work it, dammit!
3 weeks later I saw him and he was happy as could be, the truck's mileage had come up, it no longer smoked and he had no more blowby.

It's not the first I've heard of, some people are just TOO gentle with expensive equipment.

maybe not 15 minutes, but the people who built them say 4 minutes.
They know nothing John Snow.

I'm going to find out today, but I think our certified rebuilds run full load full torque for an hour.

The thing to keep in mind, are you doing FL/FT at your own spec or at the factory spec?
There are different versions of %100
Not to mention full load on a stock engine is a totally different story than full load on a modified engine...
It's like this, Work the crap out of it and hope for the best. The rings will seat or you will have to pull it back out to see what went wrong. Might as well go for it. You have nothing to loose.