Poping with smarty

Hey Rodger, make sure to keep the smarty and anything else electronic away from sootlife4life. lol :hehe:
Awwww...he's a baby. I thought he at least knew enough to be dangerous, he's still wet behind the ears.
Man left for an hour and the thread is gone for smoke in third gen and just a dead thread here! Did i miss something ?
It's this no tolerance of idiots that keeps this place from turning into a special ed class like cumminsforum.
This kid isn't gonna make it another 5 minutes here....I don't have time for this crap.
Hey Rich, every thought about changing the sign-up function (or whatever the exact term is) so that it automatically denies access to anyone that uses terms like "smoke", "soot", "roll", "coal", etc?? Seems like the majority of new people here with terms referring to particulate matter and/or making it in their user names are complete tards.

Unless you just like banning them for fun:hehe:. Then, by all means, as you were good sir!

-I am sure I do not have to explain to anyone here that my user name has nothing to do with actual smoke.

Awwww...he's a baby. I thought he at least knew enough to be dangerous, he's still wet behind the ears.

He thinks he can learn just as much on cummfukforum as he can on here IF he finds the right people on there:bang:hehe:.

I am pretty sure the only smart people on there are people from here that like to laugh or people that where banned from there a long time ago.
Very insightful comment I'll have to think about that one! I found a video of my dyno last week at FCDP and it showed up there so I'll try and figure out a way to post tonight!
Rodger I wouldn't call it a pop more of a step up. It's almost like the computer is increasing the fueling level after you leave the line.
I must a mist the soot life thing? I just ignored the 12v thing!
Rodger do u have the dyno graph from your pulls? Those might be able to help diagnose it a bunch also!
Do you have the shift defuel turned off (ie. not = stock)?

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It's a timing issue...try running stock timing and see if results vary.

it's what he said. my truck did the same exact thing. only when launching with timing on 2. changed timing to any other seting and no problems.