Possible Sacramento Pull


Diesel TV Host
Nov 26, 2008
Ok guys,

Well as most of you know, there will be an NHRDA race in Sacramento on May 15th. We are trying to get a pull that Evening. It will be a MLM pull and we're working feverishly with both Brian and Randy. For those of you who were there it will be like Redding.

I need to know who is interested in this, before any definite plans are made!

Thanks ya'll
Yup, 5-6 minimum. Plus you gotta figure all the trucks that were at the last Sac pull (some of them gas,of course) and I would imagine it would huge.
i am in, im sure Randee/Drake will come with Chad. Ill find some more. I think i can get a few more to come..
ok great Mikaela! im sure Melissa will be driving my truck again.. hopefully with out the carnage this time.. let us know asap and i will round up some more people from around here for sure
Even if it doesn't go through, you guys should come up for the drags! Its gonna be a lot of fun!
I will be there, if I don't blow it up at TS the weekend before, can bring between 3-10 trucks. We will be there for the drags anyways.
I will be there for the drags and I just might pull my truck again, I mean if you need the truck count!
It would be a diesel only pull correct? If so 40 diesels would be tough to get, the only time I have seen that on the west coast is turlock and maybe lancaster.
im sure if you invited the country mod guys being one of the first pulls of the year they would show.. and maybe the super mod guys. If you want i can contact one to see.. Ive about 6 trucks already saying they will show..
if you need 40 trucks you'd better try to solicit some stock trucks as well..get some first time pullers to add to the # of trucks..
i would love to come and pull if it goes on, i could probley get a few of my buddys down there to pull. both are in the area!
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Mikeala, Im sure I will be talking to u and J way be4 this event, will this be NHDRA rules (for pulling)? When the flyers come in let me know and I will pick up about 10 and pass them out around Placerville.
Do we need to become members of NHRDA to compete? I know this answer but, someone esle may not know.
If i attend a Cerse Pull, I will pass the word down there as well. Diesel turn out was awsem last year.
Mikeala, Try to get a hold of Brad Ponci ( Ponci's Diesel Center) in Fortuna. I'm sure he can get a few trks.
Well looks like this wont be happening this year. The track apparently doesn't like making money. It would of been a diesel only event since our budget was tight and tractors and gas mods are payed classes.

I hope to see most of you out at the track still. Stop by the DNM booth and say hi! If any of you are planning on coming down on Thursday or Friday come to the shop and say hello.

Can't wait till race day!