pre boost screw in cab adjustment

i dont adjust it everyday, but it does need adjusted for the weather (i do drive mine year round) air density makes a big difference

for as easy as it was to hook up, its kind of a no brainer if ya got a few extra dollars and like a perfect setiing all the time

Whatever floats your boat

yes i did remove the nut, there really arent any more in depth pics to take

drill one hole in the firewall, tighten the set screw on the pre boost screw - mount the cable in your cab.......

sorry for asking for "into depth" pics, it is pretty much well explanitory. Would really like to give this a go. Thanks for posting this up.
I'm with orangenv on this one. When I drive from sea level to the mountains my truck sees a 20-40 degree temp change and about 2800-3000 foot elevation change. My speedo cable setup helps so much to keep it running the way it should. Also helps a lot if you tow heavy across the country.