pretty funny video burnout fail

how could he not smell that? What an dumb a$$, he had no idea.
That was a smokey burnout alright:hehe::hehe:, what a dumb dumb:bang
I can think of two words for that guy... ph*ck stick.

:hehe: That probably applied to all that are watching him melt it down too. LOL
What a ritard LOL (ritard off the Hangover didnt want everyone to think I was calling someone a retard and didnt know how to spell it)
More money then brains.

Also, from what I understand, rumor has it that the guy got GM to warranty that clutch.
Damn if they would have only played another 10 seconds, pretty sure he was bout to start ballin.

Some friends that guy has.

He must be the guy that they always say fu$k in front of his name when they see or talk about him.

Like: O man did you hear F$cking ________ fried his clutch trying to burn out in his vette. Or: Here comes F$cking __________ , dumb azz
Classic... how can you not smell the difference between burning clutch and burning rubber?????????