Prolly need a new clutch


Apr 29, 2009
well i was driving home last nite and i went to down shift while goin down a hill and the pedal was stiffer than usual and it just bottomed out and about half way down. I could be something simple. i havent torn into it yet. But im throwing around the idea in my head of just goin on and getting a dd just bc im right at the limit of the single disc holding power. Im not even sure wat kind is in it.

So im looking into geting a dd. As of power im prolly at 400 to 450 right now but im prolly goin to go to twins or a 66mm single. I dont know where that will put me in power. My truck is 2wd (weights 6k even wit me in it). It is mainly a daily driver(i drive like im drag racing 80% of the time). I would like to also do some draging at the strip wit out have slow shifting problems( 3rd gear boosted launches). I have kinda ruled out sled pulling for now since this is my only means of transportation. So any ideas on about wat i need would be appreciated.:thankyou2:
Sounds like your Hydraulics went out. SBC has a replacement set that is good parts. I really enjoy my set.
Nope, spring fell out and wedged behind the diaphram we took it down last night. He def needs one now.

First truck I'd pulled apart that had a Valeo clutch in it.