propane injection

Uh... okay. Maybe we should work on the term oxigenated... Because it contains a single oxygen molecule doesn't mean it's going to burn any better. Yes I suppose in a point by point accounting of molecules it would require less O2 to burn than another fuel, but it's not going to make the other fuel burn any better. If it did it would be considered an oxidizer, not a polar solvent. If the later were true you could introduce a spark or ignition source in a container, while submerged and it would combust, and we all know that isn't happening. If it did we'd have an extremely unstable material on hand what wouldn't just be flammable, but explosive.

Now adding meth and water to the airstream will help you by cooling the charge temperature down, making it more dense, and therefore giving you more molecules of everything involved per unit of space, at at given pressure. So by that measure, yeah, you will get more oxygen, but you're also getting more fuel too.

I guess my point is it's not a magic panacea that makes any fuel burn better, but changes the parameters of how you're burning the fuel. It will take the ET's down a lot, but then again, so would just plain water. At 4.184 joules/ degree C/ mole (I don't expect anyone to recognize this one unless you're a physics nut) it translates to a boatload of heat consumed to raise the temperature of water 1 degree C, which is why it's so effective for control of detonation, and thermal stability.

But, all that said, methanol even with it's single oxygen, will not support combustion in an atmosphere devoid of oxygen, or another oxidizing agent.

he's good:cheer: