Prostock for sale

If I didn't already have the Camaro in the works, it would already be in my shop. This is one bad ass clean ride somebody needs to grab.
Sweet jesus, Why hasnt someone bought this thing yet? Im just dumbfounded! Its a steal at $40k. Even has some spare parts that go with the deal!!
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I'm thinking it's because you'd pretty much have to have $40k cash laying around, or take a loan on something of value that's paid off. Most likely it would have to be a house..., since most vehicles wouldn't get a $40k loan.
I'm thinking it's because you'd pretty much have to have $40k cash laying around, or take a loan on something of value that's paid off. Most likely it would have to be a house..., since most vehicles wouldn't get a $40k loan.

Agreed. It will just sit here and collect dust then. At least until someone is ready to take it off my hands.
There are a few of us that badly want it as a roller but due to circumstances, aren't able to even think about it right now.
I will sell it as a roller. I have a buyer for the motor if i dont sell it complete. Just let me know. Thank you.

Just so you know, I'm not as smart as I think I am.
I would sell as a roller. $28k steal of a deal!
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