Pull n Power Rules and Points Meeting 1/30 Angola,IN

street class is work stock. when i say solid i mean solid in susp stops, leafs and shocks must be present....
the rules are not set in stone , or printed yet.
2.6 leaning towards making the alternator mandatory and optional in 2.8
your thoughts is appericated
No alternator required on a street truck? solid suspension? and Electris fans? So only thing different is a hood stack?

2.6 NO bushing, true 2.6. unlimted single open drive line. alot of 2.6 are pulling trucks, stock water pump cant handle the revs, thay have ben common apart. plus pressure problems. these trucks are pullin like 3.0s 2 years ago. these rules have ben changed for safety, progression of the industry, and to help breakage. ITS A NATURAL!!!:st: BUT the rules are not set yet, i want to here from youall.
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Is it set yet who will be doing the teching at these differnt places? I feel like every pull there should be a neutral party tech for the top 3 at the end of that class.
Last draft of rules, 3/27/10 at 12:41pm. will be posted very soon (poss. today). schedule to follow. Truck tech, will be done by members of the newly formed PULL-N-POWER ADVISORY BOARD, consisting of 8 members.There is also a 4 party EXECUTIVE BOARD. Making a total of 12. The reason for this new structure??? WE at P&P want to make sure that the suggestion's and concern's of our member's are heard by a larger group, rather than just the owners. That is why it took 6 diff. drafts to get the final.:st: