pulling tips?


Lets get Dirty!(dirtymax)
Jun 15, 2006
haven't got any replys yet in the sled pulling forums. what are some of the things i need to know. i plan on pulling this friday. should i use 4hi or4lo? 140 setting on my chip or what? any info would be much appreciated. thanks:ylsuper: :rockwoot:
unfortunately i have yet to pull, but from what ive heard do like so. 140 setting, 4lo, Drive, power brake a little to build boost, let off brake and lay on it. stay on it until you come to a stop or are told to do so. most importantly, enjoy. i believe that is the way to go. if not, i will certainly be corrected.

with what you got 2nd low range, little more power go 1st high range and lock the coverter.
I start out in 4Lo and 1st, then shift to second on the column when I get some wheel speed.
like bean said 2nd gear, low range (dont forget to lock hubs, sounds stupid but ppl do it all the time). after chain gets tight and the green flag comes out, roll into the throttle, dont just mash it, and dont make a sunday drive out of it. if she gets to hoppin' let off a lil to calm it down and get back into it, if that doesnt cure it shut it down...they only hop a few times until something bad happens.

also read the track...look for the hard spots, sometimes the hard spots will appear to be "shinny". you can also find the hard spots by poking the track with a screw driver. look at the "grade" or "terrain" of the track...by this i mean if there is a huge hole on the left side of the track at the 200ft mark, dont drive into it. also watch the other trucks where they driving and if one part of the track is getting a better bite than another part.

if for some reason during your pull you need to stop, for any reason. DO NOT HIT THE BRAKES! just get out of it and the sled will stop you, i promise. if during your pull you mash the brake pedal, the sled WILL roll into the back of your rig...ive seen this happen more than once, and it aint pretty.

hope this helped. good luck. "once you hook, you're HOOKED!"

p.s. after your pull and the chain has been cut loose and your ready to drive off the track....dont be one of those guys that romps on it and does 100mph off the track...its dangerous to the ppl working the track and it makes you look like a douche bag...that crap is for drag racers!
p.s. after your pull and the chain has been cut loose and your ready to drive off the track....dont be one of those guys that romps on it and does 100mph off the track...its dangerous to the ppl working the track and it makes you look like a douche bag...that crap is for drag racers!
I second that!
stroke250 said:
haven't got any replys yet in the sled pulling forums. what are some of the things i need to know. i plan on pulling this friday. should i use 4hi or4lo? 140 setting on my chip or what? any info would be much appreciated. thanks:ylsuper: :rockwoot:


leave it in drive, OD off, 4 LO
You want to get momentum, and if the sled is light, you'll need 3rd-don't limit yourself to 2nd-it can always shift back down when needed.
This is info coming from someone who has pulled numerous amounts of never before. So my advice is to make sure you are in front of the sled and go as fast as you can.:bigsmile: and dont get caught starring at the chick with the big who haws(Fun Bags) cause her boyfriend Bubba and his buddy's Darrel and Darrel will wup yer butt. Oh ya... Have fun
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rednck21 said:
anything different for the ones with a 6 speed?
i never pulled in a pull but i pulled my friends lowboy trailer with my 250 just to see if it would do it and i used 4low and 3rd and just sliped the hell out of the clutch it pulled fine just my 2cents