Pump duty cycle


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Hello everyone I was wondering if anyone is messing with the pump duty cycle. For an unknown reason my truck wont fuel at the top it is dropping off to like 21000 when we are requestion 26000. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks. Oh yea I have a stage 2 CP3 and 100HP stixs.
You should not have to change pump duty cycle to get the truck to "command" your desired pressure. Is the issue that the truck is not commanding the pressure or are you asking for 26000 and only getting 21000?
Well my tuner said he was commanding 26 and only getting 21. Which intheroy would mean my pumps not keeping up but it's a brand new installed same day 60% cp3 and I'm only running 100 up stixs. So I have tunes withraised duty cycles that I haven't tried. Should I not use those then. Will they hurt my motor
Well my tuner said he was commanding 26 and only getting 21. Which intheroy would mean my pumps not keeping up but it's a brand new installed same day 60% cp3 and I'm only running 100 up stixs. So I have tunes withraised duty cycles that I haven't tried. Should I not use those then. Will they hurt my motor

If your commanding some ridiculous duration that pump may not keep up.. who's pump? My duty cycle is tweaked BTW.

I have tweaked on my DC as well. It definitely works on mine, but I still find my self needing twins at a certain load.
i have to agree on the duration....

i have an arson II with roughly 100-120 sticks and my pump did not want to keep my RP high enough at WOT.

IIRC les had to cut some duration out of the table to get my RP healthier.
Mine was weird...I logged it maintaining 26K rail for around 300 feet, then it dropped down to 17k rail for the last 45 or so feet. It was also pulling down in RPM, but duration was the same over the course of the pull. Im running an II 85% with DDP 200s, and its definitely time for a twin kit.
yeah, i hear that. i was having rail issues along with commanded mm3 values as well and i logged it and sent it to les then he scratched his head and sent it to the EFI guys.

another strange thing, we can be on the same O.S., same software, same build and while logging and selecting PID's for a certain value he will see it in KpA and i will see it in PSI...

i bet he thought i was crazy till it happened to him again with another customer!

EFI live ghosts what? !
Haha. Id say all the ghosts will be gone before long. At the pace theyre going it will be near perfect soon. I am curious about how much raising the DC helps though. I only had mine raised in the upper rpm, but raising it in the lower rpm could help too?
you would have to ask the experts about that, im still learning about the curves with it.

and as far as the "ghosts" ill take a hiccup here and there.. my truck is better than its ever been! and it gets even better every few days!
Thanks everyone for the great replies. My pump is from Todd at tc. I will try the new tunes with raised DC and see how it goes. Just trying to find my lost HP. We could only get 529 out of it. With 100hp stixs my pump ad150 and 64/65 I should be in the 600s right.
I would say you should be around 600... with proper tuning. The 64/65 would be a little restrictive Id say, but shouldnt prevent you from making 6.
another strange thing, we can be on the same O.S., same software, same build and while logging and selecting PID's for a certain value he will see it in KpA and i will see it in PSI...
There's no ghosts in the machine. Everything in the Tune tool or Scan tool is user selectable to be viewed in Metric or Imperial.
When EFILive first installs it checks the Locale settings in Windows. If you have ever installed Windows from scratch, you know when it asks for your location? Well if that was set to a country using Imperial (all 3 of you LOL) then everything should default to Imperial units.
It's simple enough to change to Imperial if you are in Metric, see page 75 in the ScanTool manual or page 59 in the TuneTool manual on how to do this.

another strange thing, we can be on the same O.S., same software, same build and while logging and selecting PID's for a certain value he will see it in KpA and i will see it in PSI...

i bet he thought i was crazy till it happened to him again with another customer!

EFI live ghosts what? !

In the scantool, on the PIDs tab, rightclick on the pid and select Imperial.

In the tunetool, go Edit->Configure Display Units and check that those tables have Imperial units on the data/row/col (whichever one is appropriate), you may have to restart the tunetool if you change any of these.

Thanks Ross. Any word on when the rumored next release will be out?

There was an issue reported regarding the feature in beta last night. We are hopeful that it will be resolved quickly, and then we will post a zip file update instead of a full install. Still hope to have it available for the weekend.

There was an issue reported regarding the feature in beta last night. We are hopeful that it will be resolved quickly, and then we will post a zip file update instead of a full install. Still hope to have it available for the weekend.


Thanks Cindy! Looking forward to it!
Hello everyone I was wondering if anyone is messing with the pump duty cycle. For an unknown reason my truck wont fuel at the top it is dropping off to like 21000 when we are requestion 26000. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks. Oh yea I have a stage 2 CP3 and 100HP stixs.

i ramped my max duty cycle up and it helped, it definitely can handle more than 71% without an issue
Thanks Cindy! Looking forward to it!
We've decided to see how it goes over the weekend and release early next week (probably Monday). I did another update yesterday in beta which used a different strategy to enable the boosted launches. So far so good on a couple of the trucks we had trouble with, no MIL's and it seems to be doing the job.

We've also been asked about 'shift de-fuel', currently we don't have a solution to this and we would never consider offering a 'fix' that disables the PRND indicator, and worse still, stops the reverse lights working and allows starting in gear. :badidea:
We will try to resolve this problem correctly.
So along the lines of this topic, I notice Wicked has a very nice pump mod in the Arson IV. But he warns that it is very aggressive in its pressure, to the point that it's no good for daily driving. Could we tame it for daily driving, since we now are able to command far less pressure and to limit the duty cycle of the pump?
Ok so I found out that my supply line to my pump was loose and losing alot of fuel. It must of loosened up cause it was only finger tight. If this was loose would this possibly be why I was noot able to maintain pressure. Let me know what you guys think. thanks.