Pure hydrogen injection


Microwaving cats since 01
Aug 28, 2006
So......Did some reading over turkey weekend and talked to an engineer and was informed on the power potential of injecting pure hydrogen. Apparently hydrogen has more btu/lb then any fuel on or off the road at 52000 btu/lb. So instead of nitrous injection how about hydrogen injection?:pop: We are considering trying it out.
Whats the cost comparison on Hydrogen over Nitrous? Also, how hard/easy is it to get? If anything the tank should be lighter....(thinking outloud....is an empty hydrogen tank heavier than a full one?):hehe:
all i can think of when it comes to mind is KABOOM! think of the hindenberg blimp way back when. personally i would be scared poopless to try it out. hydrogen is some scary stuff. not to mention figuring out what it would do to cylinder pressures, to the turbo, it would be a fuel, but how would it react with air being pushed by the turbo? would the hydrogen combine with the oxygen and just form water? i think it would be hard to consider it really either a fuel or more air, because it's more fuel, but what would the effects be? i just kinda thinking outloud about all of this.... :confused: :pop:
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I am no engineer or chemist but from what i have been told there was a guy with larger injectors, maybe a turbo and massive studs and gaskets because of the cylinder pressure and he made i think over 750-800. IIRC. From what i understand you dont need massive quantities of hydrogen to make hp. I cannot seem to find it now but IIRC it take 2-2.5 x the amount of nitrous to make the same hp as hydrogen. i will try to get my informant to come on and explain what he told me.

I dont think the hydrogen would condense as if it did shouldnt nitrous?
to me, hydrogen and nitrous would be two different things, because nitrous is just added air, whereas hydrogen would be solid fuel till it mixed with something else.
Give it a try and report back!

When I think of hydrogen I think of big boom big boom.

At what pressure will it ignite?
"Where was the Earth shattering Kaboom, there was supposed to be an Earth shattering kaboom!"

It might work, but like Dex said, it scares the bejesus out of me just thinking about it since hydrogen is VERY volatile.
Like BFD99 said "nitrous is just added air".

Common misconception is that nitrous is fuel. Nitrous only helps you burn excessive fuel in a diesel. If you were tuned to the point that you had no unburt fuel (aka- smoke) then nitrous would offer little to no added hp. It might cool things down though, thats why I originally started spraying. But now its just to much fun.
well i told my source so i will see if he posts. 1 of 2 people will try it atleast in small doses. Either me once i get my clutch or the owner of discountpowerparts sounds slightly interested. And by slightly i mean slightly interested in trying it but majorly interested in the results. It will be hard to get but it seems we have a source. Now we need to figure out tuning.:hehe:
Ok well I'm the source (sorta). I've talked with a few people that have been experimenting/running a mimic to pure hydrogen injections. Basically its 2:1 ratio of hydrogen and oxygen. The H is formed via electrolysis(of Distilled water) and it may/may not help with power(it is meant to assist in complete burning of the fuel as well as provide a slight increase in power, since you do have some H in there). Allot of people use it to enhance there fuel economy while keeping fuel ratios the same. (Browns Gas I think is what a 2:1 ratio of H to O2 is). I have no idea if this works.

Pure H injection (not to be confused with the above) would require a custom setup dependant upon what you wanted to do. First things first Hydrogen is pretty hard to find. The only place I have seen it is at my work (Nuclear Power Plant). We get trucks of it and I guess I could find out where we get it from. Secondly would be the price and the apparatus to house it in. My understanding on the subject is that you can do one of two things: One would be to keep the flow rate of diesel fuel the same and then add "some quantity" of hydrogen to increase power. I assume it is injected in the intake port. When burned it forms H20 plus some other crap that is not important. Since normal combustion forms H20 there isn’t any real harm there (depending upon the quantities)

The second thing would be to completely revamp the ECU and cut fuel flow down and get most of your BTU's from hydrogen. What this would do, to the combustion process (from a mechanical standpoint) is beyond me. What I've seen is a severe decrease in fuel used and increase in amount of hydrogen injected. Since hydrogen is 54,000BTU/lb is has a very high energy to weight ratio (Diesel is about 140,000 BTU/gallon but a gallon of diesel is around 6+lbs).

Ruling out the storage/price and ability to get the actual gas you could, in theory, have a diesel truck capable of producing 800HP and would get something ridiculous in terms of MPG ( maybe 30+) and have a stock fuel system and stock injectors. That MPG number does not mean a whole lot though, considering we cannot attach a price for hydrogen, not to mention the whole storing of it aspect. Hydrogen is kind of hard to get to. a LG form (much so then Natural Gas or Propane). As I said, were not taking into the account the cost of Hydrogen. 30MPG is a good number but if hydrogen is three times more expansive then a comparable unit of diesel fuel, then it’s not really worth it.
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Danger! Danger!

I still see that burning Hindenburg LOL
Hydrogen is pretty fierce stuff, but after injection I can't see to much harm being done. Your tank is far away, and there isnt any direct flame being applied. I need a chemist!
Spectre32 said:
Hydrogen is pretty fierce stuff, but after injection I can't see to much harm being done. Your tank is far away, and there isnt any direct flame being applied. I need a chemist!

So the problem persistes?> Who will try it me or larry? :hehe: Or maybe you if the 6.0 gets swapped.

Now justin, from your stand point............... do you think it is possible to inject hydrogen without the big kaboom? If it is not as volitile after injection as you say then wouldnt it make a better power adder then n20? And as far as the source i think we have one to get it. All we need is somebody with the nutz to do it.:what:

PS. Sorry for the calls i bonged 8 beers in 15 minutes so random calls make sense to me. :hehe: :eek:wned:
you guys oughta just build a reactor that makes hydrogen while you're driving your truck. (it's so simple it's dangerous). Then use some kind of ratio valve for spraying......... just a thought. I'm tinkering with hydrogen on my gas engine....... hydrogen and spark plugs!!!!!! ya!
Well I do not know. I think the volatility of H depends on its temperature and such. You would need to look at the flahpoint and vaporization point. That would inturn force you to look at the temperature distributions along the way to the combustion chamer. I think a Duramax would be best used as a test platform cause you can get EFI live and reporgram the entire engine cheaply.
02Dmax said:
you guys oughta just build a reactor that makes hydrogen while you're driving your truck. (it's so simple it's dangerous). Then use some kind of ratio valve for spraying......... just a thought. I'm tinkering with hydrogen on my gas engine....... hydrogen and spark plugs!!!!!! ya!

Is it actual Hydrogen or are u "making" it while in the car. You cannot make chemicaly pure Hydrogen via electrolysis unles you have some of the best metals on earth in your system and alot of power.
Timbeaux38 said:
Danger! Danger!

I still see that burning Hindenburg LOL
It burns...it burns.
I have an appointment to talk with one of my professors today who may be able to shed some light on the subject. I was thinking of using a selinoid kinda like n20 system to inject it. But only with a small jet, a VERY small jet.
I don't think it would be that much different than propane. Smaller quantities of the hydrogen would be required, but the generally the same concept.