Lets see nitro methane cars run fine for awhile (<5secs). They have an enriched mixture of oxygen and they are detonating half the way down the track (no spark plugs left at the end of the run, they are burned up). Nitro methane flame front is 7,000 degrees-the platinum plugs they use melt around 3200 degrees. The pistons are aluminum. So I think under proper circumstances one could use oxygen to boost power fairly safely for short distances. Diesel burns at around 3,700 degrees in air, but it would be higher in more oxygen rich conditions. So if nitro burners are running at 7,000 degrees with aluminum pistons why cant a diesel? I know you wouldn’t do it for hours, but what about the last 5-8 seconds of a drag race? Add large shot of water to help cool the cylinders/pistons and you may be fine. I say someone should try it. It will at least be fun even if it doesn’t work right, but we will need pics.