

New member
Mar 30, 2007
I have a 02 3500 dually 4x4 and I want to add a programmer to it, I have been looking around doing resaerch on alot of different models. Everybody around the house has the Edge juice with attitude. Well, I went to the open house and drag race in Bowling Green a few weeks ago and I talked to some people there and I was told that my transmission would slip if I ran an Edge box over level 2. My truck is an auto but so are most of the guys around here and I have not heard of any transmissions slipping. I pull hay, tractors, and cows with my truck but I would like to speed it up a little bit to show up my buddies with powerchokes! My truck is a work truck so I dont want to tear the trans out of it. Does anybody have any tips for me? Thanks for the help!!!
It's not as though your transmission will magically start to slip when you push the button past level two...Unless your transmission is already on it's way south...
Would this be your only power adder, or do you have other modifications already?
My transmission is less than a year old. It was brand new when I bought the truck. All I have done is an intake and exhaust. Thats the only mod that I have done and other than a programmer will probibly be the only mods I do. Thanks!
my truck is all stock except for the Edge comp i have been running it on 3/5 3/3 most the time only thing i have a problem is it has this ungodly smoking habit lol
my truck is 10k all day long on a easy day an no problems in last month
With heavy towing usage above level 2 you will have tranny issues, sooner rather than later, in my opinion. By all means get the Edge unit, just keep it on level 1 or 2 when you are towing. Keep in mind though, the stock auto in these trucks is the single weakest link and you can kill them by constantly running it on the higher settings and hammering on it....and you will, it's WAY to much fun not to LOL LOL

BUT :evil The parts to fix it are not that costly, or hard to install.
I want to thank yall for the advice! What are some of the things that I can do to my transmission to make it stronger? I know that it is the weak link and I want to beef it up. This is the first auto trans that I have ever had. Every truck that I have had since '87 has been a straight drive. Thanks again for the advice.
I would reccomend an upgraded valvebody at minimum... They run around $400 and will help the tranny live as long as you dont go nutzo with the HP.