quick tranny swap question

For a daily driving a gated truck shifter will be the most friendly to operate. Ratchet shifters are for racing.

This page gives a good list of things to know when choosing a shifter, scroll to the bottom.
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Maybe I'll just take that route. If it fails me I'll know not to do it again lol. What kind of shifter are you running btw? Do you dd it? I haven't driven my truck with this pro ratchet yet, but I have a feeling its gonna get old.

I have a b&m pro ratchet and yeah I dd it, it's pretty fun for me and it hasn't gotten old yet. What I usually do is leave it in neutral and use the e brake everywhere I go. If you use the park position don't park on an incline EVER. The ratchet shifters don't have the leverage a stock column shifter has to get it out of park with pressure on it. Found out the hard way in an autozone parkinglot. LOL

If money is tight go for the rather shifter. If not go for the scs cheetah
I already have the pro ratchet stealth. It's not going to be a dd. I will drive it to work every blue moon and to the local track, but that's it for the street.
Well guys i got her fired up 2 weeks ago and took her out on the first drive about 4 days after. Verdict on the pro ratchet is...I love it. It makes for one hell of a good time to drive. I wouldnt put one in a DD becuase i might go nuts backing up a trailer or whatever. So here is my last thing left. Lockup/OD switches. What exactly will i need/need to do to get it hooked up besides the obvious being wire/switches. This is a manual vb truck like stated before. Give me some ideas guys, Thanks.