Quote on rebuilding a II Silver Bullet 66


New member
Nov 13, 2007
Has a some shaft play and would like to tighten it up and possibly modify the wheels ... let me know a price


Devin Parker
Devin, I received your voicemail yesterday. I will give you a shout today and go over your plans with you. Chris
Devon I had tried to call back. We still haven't discussed the changes/upgrades you had wanted to make. Give me a call Monday or send me an email with what you'd like to change and we can get a plan together.

Silverram get ahold of me about yours as well. Email is chris@engineereddiesel.com or call 616-608-2977 and we can get yours handled as well.
ok .. i must have missed the call or phone might have been off .. ill call asap, im just looking to tighten it up and get the play out of it and possibly modify a few things .. thanks