Race & Get together: Temple/Little River TX


New member
Apr 14, 2008
Weather permitting, we've got a get together planned for this Friday. There is already a thread about this on CF, but I know a lot of you don't frequent that site. If we get rained out, I think the plan is to postpone until next Friday. There should be several folks from the College Station area in attendance and several from the Central TX area as well. The plan is to meet up at Best Buy in Temple TX from 5-6:30 pm. From there, we'll make our way over to Little River Drag Way for some racing and bs'ing. I think it'll be a good time, the more people the better.

CenTex/College Station meet, Feb 19th in Temple - Dodge Cummins Diesel Forum

Little River Drag Way
you guys must know everybody around your area already... LOL
I may try to make this. We're already planning on going to the mud bogs at the expo center on Saturday.
Should be a pretty decent turnout. Just thought I'd post it up over here also to see if anyone else might want to go.