radio loses setting when it sits

1 amp draw is plenty enough to kill the batteries, max draw spec is 30-40 MILI amps, make sure your glove box light isn't broken and staying on.
one tenth of one amp..not one tenth... .1 amps

looked at the truck in the pitch dark inside the barn..nothing glowin

i apprecite the ideas..i thought maybe the hood light was on..what i was looking for..but nothing to be found

its not that the radio is losing it only tho its a symptom...cuz when the alt kicks in its charging its a$$ off
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That's a head scratcher. I'd like to know what the battery rest voltage after it has sat for a day or two. This could be repeated with the cables disconnected for the same time period. If it is lower with the cables connected that proves there is a drain on the system somewhere. I really doubt you have a battery issue.
i got one haul left for the week then im gonna unhook em for a week and see what happens. my brother is a hvy truck guy and he was kinda stumped but said take the batts back and start there..they aint that old so the warranty should cover em . he is thinkin one is covering the other
im still messin with this but it takes a cpl days every time to get the results so it moves ahead slow
nope..been running the crap out of the truck.
pulling fuses didnt seem to make the draw stop..didnt pull the big ones in the eng comp tho.
gonna pull the batts and return them this week and start over.
now in 2 days the alt is running full crank when it starts up. doesnt lose the radio that quick but the alt gauge says its running low charge the first minute or so til it gets to 14you can hear the squeak its charging so hard.
if the batts dont do it then the alt is next.
so I got new batts in it and its 90% better.

the cd disc changer took a dump. so I unhooked it. radio doesn't lose its settings anymore.
alt still seems to be charging hard on startup but for less than a minute. not like it did before. and it doesn't start out so low on the charging guage like it did...

so far so good. wifes laid up itll be sitting abunch so ill see what happens now
still fighting this stupid schit...the cd player took a dump..unhooked it..aint that..
got 2 new batts in it..aint that..i see nothing drawing anything offa the batts with a meter. wtf.
truck gauges are giving me hell now too. the aftermarket autometers not the factory ones.
the motor that resets them when you turn the key on and the guage zeros..the fuel press guage doesn't always reset and the pyro is doing some strange readings at times. if I flip the key 3-4 times the guage will reset a little at a time until its zero'd and then it will work ok. if I just start the truck then the guage will read as if wherever it started is the it could be reading 25 instead of 15 if it zero'd at 10
so I noticed something else now..friggin truck I swear...

when ya trun the key on to start and the fuel pump cycles it doesn't do it for as lng as it used to or as long as it should. its only for maybe a the most. seems like its very short compared to how I used to hear the pump run before I started it. I always let it bump the press an shut off before I started it cuz I watched the fuel press guage..the servo mtr in the guage isn't resetting it back fast enough.
ecm bad? what times the fuel pump pressurizing at the start cycle
controlled by the ecm. I noticed mine was shorter after installing a smarty. when I had a vp it hated being fed fuel before being started.