really neat charity


Turbo Geek
Nov 22, 2006
Cool section here. I guess I'll have to behave now :D

Anywho, after the implosion of the church I had attended my whole life, I have kinda gone sour on "churchy" things. Like giving money so the youth group can go to a waterpark, or the choir can have new fancy robes.....or any other number of church-centric items. I can't stand that any more.

So through another church I was introduced to a striking video about how many people in the world die every year from simply not having good drinking water. These folks, Living Water International, are doing something about it:

Living Water International >> >> Providing a cup of water in Jesus's Name.

These guys go all over the globe and drill wells for people, even in the face of hostility. They drill a well, and they put a plaque on each one that says simply:

"This well is dedicated to the people of ______ in order to demonstrate the love of Jesus." (in this case it was India)

These guys are cutting through all the crap and BS and just doing something that is so vital, and leaving it with the simple sign. To me, that's hitting the nail on the head on the great commission and the great commandment. Give freely and ask nothing in return.

My wife and I were able last year to donate enough for one well. Not everyone can or will do that, but y'know this is one thing that I feel really good about supporting, so I thought I'd toss it out there for ya.
Matt I'm not a christian or religious in anyway, but that is a worthy cause and I commend you and the others who support and actually go and do this.:clap:
I have learned that no matter how tuff the economy is, that if you put God first(your tithes and offerings )that everything else will be taken care of.
We don't have the money to go racing right now but all the bills get paid every month and everyone gets a paycheck.

Good find, you can't out give God as long as you do it for the right reason.
I have learned that no matter how tuff the economy is, that if you put God first(your tithes and offerings )that everything else will be taken care of.

Exactly right David :thumb: well said.

That charity is pretty cool, good to see someone doing the right thing. :nod:
Amen! Never forget tithes and remenber the true reason!!!!!!!! All else just seems to happen!