recommend me an input shaft and flexplate

sootman said:
PLEASE!!!! PLEASE!!!! I can send you pic's today, so you can make all the necessary arrangments with your estate and all.:evil HEY TOUGH GUY! You want to set the card??? I am going out of my way to find you in HOUSTON. Please be there. Don't make me beg.:evil :poke: Don't post and call me an SOB.... I've dropped worms on the back of their neck for less. I have taking lives for this country........What have you taken, besides peoples money.

What does F1,F2,F3 etc.... stand for???
FUC@ED you once.
FUC@ED you twice
FUC@ED you three times.:hehe: LOL :kick:
LOL, thats the best thing i have heard all week...........:hehe: :hehe: sounds like someone just got :eek:wned:
getblown5.9 said:
Thats a great way to do business!

Also I will be the first to say, Wade just started another chitstorm with his "I would run 9's" comment...ill be waiting with my popcorn!:pop:

hey Butt-Goblin,:hehe: it was a figure of speech:bang

how much faster would your truck run in the 1/4 with 2500lbs less?????????
hey Butt-Goblin

I have NEVER heard that in my life, evarr.....

Wade, You need to make a book. .....or just some printed toilet paper. :hehe:

Though it is very simple to see that the piston retainer is black in this pic. It was brought to my attention that some of them are not. There are other ways of telling but in an attempt to prevent confusion of the two manufactures IE will be changing the design so as there will be no question.
sootman said:
Did Bondo not say they were nicked and scratched? I believe he said the output was nicked before install.

As the saying goes there is two sides to every story. I spoke with the builder the entire transmission was basically trashed. It destroyed the drum, intermediate, output and some planetaries. And I really doubt they where not heat treated as well. Careful there I am an internet bully. lol:hehe:
sootman said:
Everytime metal is heated it becomes harder. .


wow, that is interesting. I always thought it was the rate of cooling that changed the strength (not forgetting other things like carbon content and such)
The rub is finding the balance between ductile and brittle material properties. You can either twist the shaft or shatter the shaft. The cushion that the ductile materials provided is gone,any material or manufacturing defect will be greatly amplified. This also goes for the flexplate, hence the name. Simple physics put the input shaft at risk for breakage, there is a large moment applied to the shaft due to the differences in diameter.


Diesel Freak said:

wow, that is interesting. I always thought it was the rate of cooling that changed the strength (not forgetting other things like carbon content and such)
UGG AND OGG, two barbarians from Germania, invented metal forging. The Chinese and the Japanese invented and perfected the art of hardening metal. I bought a new time machine from Hasbro. Maybe we can go back and take a class?:hehe: Opie stand behind your product or don't make the claims you do. :blahblah1:
Opie said:
As the saying goes there is two sides to every story. I spoke with the builder the entire transmission was basically trashed. It destroyed the drum, intermediate, output and some planetaries. And I really doubt they where not heat treated as well. Careful there I am an internet bully. lol:hehe:

That is great! And you are telling me this, WHY? I am not an internet Bully. I type with 2 fingers, but I fight with 10. :hehe: :bang
ok guys this is getting very lame, the personal attacks dont need to happen in the open forums.

from what i have gathered over the years, opie has been trying to improve a weak parts market and is still trying too. and then offer a warranty. but you still dont see anyone else really doing that. i have twisted what some call "the best" and never got a warranty. when you have dumped 20-30k into a truck, warranty means something........

what im saying guys is just let it go, lets talk parts, instead of trash.

ok guys this is getting very lame, the personal attacks dont need to happen in the open forums.

what im saying guys is just let it go, lets talk parts, instead of trash.

I never thought I would see Wade post so wisely.

Thanks Wade. :thankyou2:
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First you come on here and tell everyone you had 3 trucks in your shop with my injectors and all of them had leaks or problems. When asked who these people are, you would not reveal their names. Then it changed from 3 to 1 customer. Then it was "well he told me they were yours"

Then you tell the world the common rail accumulator is internally coated. Which is utter nonsense.

Then you tell us the stock injectors nozzles are made of tungsten. Utter nonsense.

Then you tell us Opies shafts are not heat treated. By looking at photo. Again, total BS.

Then you tell everyone my injectors are made in China. More BS.

Then my cams are made in China. More BS.

You are liar Sootman. Habitual.
I'll be selling tickets to be there to see Sootman meet DonM at Houston :hehe: LOL
The people who throw around veiled threats of physical violence on the internet are usually those who have never been in a fight in their life. People who have been down that road know that being arrested and charged with assault and battery, is a huge pita and something to be avoided at all costs. That is unless you enjoy doing several hours of public service maybe sweeping airport runways, paying sizable court costs and fines, paying Dr bills that is if you didn't come out on the losing end in which case you'll still have to pay Dr bills, they'll just be your own... the list goes on. Not saying I've done any of those things...